Grow your business with Buy and Sell Silver Lakes

Sell your items fast – hundreds of buyers are waiting. Create your shop.

Grow your business with Buy and Sell Silver Lakes

Sell your items fast – hundreds of buyers are waiting. Create your shop.

Thousands of local buyers

We are the largest community marketplace, connecting you with thousands of buyers ready to purchase your goods and services.

A community of trusted sellers

Join the vibrant Silver Lakes community of sellers, discover a seamless marketplace where you can effortlessly connect with buyers, creating a dynamic and thriving environment for buying and selling.

Supporting local business

Supporting local businesses strengthens the backbone of our community, fostering economic growth and a sense of shared prosperity.


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register your shop

Decide on your shop name and create your account.

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setup account & delivery policies

Pick your shipping, return, and payment policy preferences that will then be used for your listings.

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upload your products

Use our online dashboard to upload your products and start selliing!

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There is no charge to create your online shop and you can list as many products as you would like. There is however a 6.5% commission fee that will be charged on any sales that are processed through the Buy and Sell platform.

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The shipping and delivery is arranged directly between the buyer and the seller. You would need to upload your shipping rates or specifiy local collection details in your shop dashboard.

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Our selling policy strictly prohibits the listing and sale of any X-rated, dangerous, illegal, stolen or sexually explicit content. We maintain a commitment to creating a safe and respectful marketplace for all users, and any violation of this policy will result in the removal of such listings and potential account restrictions. We encourage sellers to focus on offering products and services that align with our community guidelines and promote a positive and inclusive environment.

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You can review all your customers and sales in your shop dashboard and request a payment at any time. You will receive a payout 24 – 48 hours after your request has been approved and the transaction has been successfully completed.

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You do not have to be tech savvy to register and setup a shop on the online Buy and Sell platform. It is an extremely easy process. Should you prefer to have it done for you our tech team is on standby to assist. As this requires valuable time, there will be a small nominal charge to setup your online store for you. Click here to review the pricing options.

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Yes, you can have both an online shop and a classified business listing on the Buy and Sell platform. The classified listing is ideal to provide more information about your business and services and can also provide a website link to your business website and social media accounts. The online shop is pure convenience and the place for buyers to browse and shop your products immediately. The easier the online buying process the more sales. Click here to add your business to our classified listings.

not a business?
not a problem.

Make extra cash by listing your for-sale items and services in our classified listings.