Report a Fault

To foster community well-being and support local businesses, kindly expedite the reporting of any community faults or issues promptly, ensuring a resilient and smoothly operating community environment. Choose the appropriate department below and click on the report-a-fault button.

Report any water and sanitation issues in the local community such as leaks, contamination, infrastructure damage, service disruptions, blocked drains etc. by clicking the link below.

Promptly report any electricity faults through our online system to facilitate a swift response and ensure the efficient resolution of issues in our local community.

Easily report and address roads and transport faults through our streamlined online platform, fostering efficient solutions and enhancing overall transportation infrastructure.

Easily report and address roads and transport faults through our streamlined online platform, fostering efficient solutions and enhancing overall transportation infrastructure.

Easily report and address faults through our streamlined online platform, fostering efficient solutions and enhancing the overall appearance and look and feel of our community.

Easily report and address faults through our streamlined online platform, fostering efficient solutions and enhancing the overall appearance and look and feel of our community.